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Trauma Informed Care 

increases successful treatment outcomes

Recognize that the dual stigmatization that the mothers face will affect their interactions with care, and those exchanges will be sensitized around fear, shame, and guilt. 


What is Trauma informed care?

Trauma informed care is a paradigm shift away from the dichotomy and power differential of the medical model. 

Trauma informed care acknowledges the presence of trauma in the lives of those in services, and recognizes its 


Trauma informed care moves away from 'diagnosis and treatment' towards a narrative of 'what has happened?'.

Trauma informed care works to build a collaborative relationship with your client, joining to work on their identified goals.

Trauma informed care removes bias from language-not 'clean' or 'dirty'.

Babies are not born 'addicted' they are born substance exposed.

Trauma informed care in substance use services moves away from 'confronting' behaviors towards 'exploring' behaviors.

Trauma informed care recognizes that people who have experienced trauma often fear systems of care.

Trauma informed care means you always speak about your client in terms as if they are present in the room.

Trauma informed care's goal is for the client to feel safe and develop a sense of control and empowerment.

(SAMHSA, 2014) 

Full SAMHSA TIC Tip 57 Protocol

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