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The Challenge of Overcoming Stigma

The mothers related shame-provoking events in their contacts with care during their pregnancies.  The mothers were especially sensitive to these exchanges. Even in instances where they may have perceived judgement, the mothers felt an assumption of maternal unfitness. 

"There were several times I had to go to the hospital. And as a drug addict, people look at you some kind of way. They treat you like you're not even a human being. So like, having had to go to the hospital...worst  experience I have ever had suffering from addiction and being pregnant, A whole 'nother level of stigma."

        - R

In some states use while pregnant is criminalized.

The criminalization of use while pregnant has detrimental results for mothers and their babies. Mothers who fear attaining care will avoid necessary prenatal medical care. New Jersey does not criminalize use while pregnant. To view each state regarding criminalization:

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